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We know how tricky it can be to find the *perfect* gift for everyone on your list, but good news - we’re here to help with our 2024 Christmas Gift Guide!
Whether you’re a careful colorer who stays perfectly inside the lines or a free spirit who loves to color outside the box, we celebrate all styles at eatsleepdoodle! Here’s our top coloring techniques to try on your next coloring adventure, featuring our rawr-tastic dinosaur design...
With the summer holidays well underway, we hope you’ve been enjoying some well-earned family fun in the sun! However, with schools out and seemingly endless energy to burn, finding the perfect way to keep kids busy can be quite the challenge! Luckily for you, we’ve been on the hunt for our top 10 nature-themed crafts to banish that boredom monster once and for all!
In celebration of World Ocean Day and to spread the word about the wonders of the sea, we’ve gathered some splash-tacular ocean facts just for you! Whether you're a curious cuttlefish or a budding biologist, we hope you learn something new. Grab your snorkels and let's dive into the amazing world of the deep blue!
With summer approaching, we know the panic when it comes to keeping kids busy when they are out of school and making sure they don’t fall into the vacation slump. We know that technology can both be beneficial and entertaining, but that it can be good to unplug where we can. So, in preparation for the holidays, we thought we would give you a helping hand and share some ideas for alternative screen-free fun! This way for screen-free activity inspiration!